There will be 10 jumpers in a third, final round during the RAW AIR final for men in Vikersund in March, and there will finally be official World Cup-competitions for the ladies when they compete in Vikersund. The athletes must master the normal hill, large hill and ski flying to be crowned champions of this years tournament. A total of 16 jumps will be counting on the final results for the 2024 edition.
* 16 jumps in total for both men and women in Holmenkollen, Granåsen and Vikersund.
* Competitions will be held in normal hill, large hill and ski flying.
* Only 10 men in a final, third round on the Sunday in Vikersund.
– Last year we saw the anticipation connected to which of the women who got to jump in Vikersund, now we are adjusting to increase the excitement for the men’s RAW AIR as well. This will heighten the drama and interest around the athletes having to master three different sizes of hills in RAW AIR 2024. This has never happened before, says project leader of the tournament, Ståle Villumstad.
Monday there were held FIS-meetings after the Summer Grand Prix final in Klingenthal. The details, change of rules for competitions and equipment for the upcoming World Cup season was made official.
This winter the first ever FIS-event for women in ski flying was held in Vikersund, this winter there will be two competitions and they will hold the status of World Cup-events. The past season, only 15 women were allowed to participate in the ski flying event, this year it is increased to a maximum of 20. The international ski jumping committee, FIS, decided that the 15 best women in the overall World Cup, and the 15 best in the RAW AIR tournament will be allowed to ski fly, but there will be a limit of a total of 20 athletes.
RAW AIR starts in Holmenkollen, continues on to Granåsen and the finals are held in Vikersund. There will be RAW AIR-competitions in the new World Championship hills in Granåsen for both men and women.
– This continues to develop RAW AIR, initiated by race director in ski jumping FIS, Sandro Pertile, which shows that Norwegian ski jumping has created a tournament that has a lot of value and interest in increasing the value of our sport. This shows that we continue to live our vision “We want to be the World’s most important ski jumping nation”, says chief of sports for the Norwegian ski jumpers, Clas Brede Bråthen.
In addition to RAW AIR, Norway will host a World Cup-weekend for both men and women in the first weekend of December. All suggestions from the international ski jumping committee will be officiated by the end of October.
The women who will be permitted to start in the ski flying competitions in Vikersund, will be the top 15 from the World Cup-overall, and a possible addition of 5 athletes from the top 15 of RAW AIR after the competitions in Granåsen. The 50 best men in RAW AIR after the competitions in Granåsen will participate in a qualification in Vikersund on the Friday, where 40 will qualify for the competition on Saturday. For the finale on the Sunday, it will only be the 30 best men starting. The 20 best will be jumping in the 2nd round and the top 10 will proceed to a final 3rd round to fight for the RAW AIR overall title.